Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Extra: Make a cartoon movie

I stumbled on this this morning while glancing over my RSS feeds. Xtranormal is a free web application that allows you to make simple movies with one or two cartoon-like characters and all you have to do is type! Well, there is a little more to it than that but Quick Tips will teach the basics. Here is what I did this morning. Yes, it's in Spanish. Several languages are available. This is a quick reminder to the students about how to set up a subtraction problem. Maybe students will remember what the cartoon character says better than they listen to me.

My sample is still "publishing." It's a long process so I'll give you a little more information. My movie is only about 11 seconds long so you can see it's kind of slow. Since I haven't shared one yet, I don't know if I can embed it or just paste the URL link. We'll see soon.

Wait a minute. It's not free! You have to pay to use movie elements, but supposedly you only pay once to use each one. You could make a simple movie for only $2. I don't like the way the cost is not up front, but I went ahead and bought the points I needed to publish the movie.


Uh-oh. I've been waiting hours for it to render and nothing.

Alright, I swear there was embed code on the Xtramormal page but now there isn't. I'm pretty confused about this but, any way, I am now going to try to create a link to it. Movie

 This is still neat, but much less usable than I thought.

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